best exercises for brain health - helpinggiver

best exercises for brain health

It’s one of the great miracles of our time that a single compound exercise can be so beneficial to your overall health and brain health as well as maintaining your memory, making sure you have the energy you need for all your daily tasks and keeping you sharp for work and college. Here are the  best exercises for brain health you should consider doing every day.
best exercises for brain health

1) Push-Ups


The number one muscle group you should lift in each weight workout (with a little bit extra on the side and arms), push-ups are a fantastic way to increase your cardiovascular endurance, tone your body and improve your balance. You also get more bang for your buck by not using an weights machine – there are no heavy plates or weights involved, just a solid plank position with a solid core and butt. All you have to do is stand tall and place both hands at your side, palms facing your back, feet slightly apart.

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 When you lift your legs up over your head, return them to their starting position, but don’t bring them down too soon. Keep your core engaged and your butt slightly curved (if your back is flat, make sure to engage it, otherwise it will hurt). Your back will hurt if you don’t try these movements often enough; start with two, three times per week.


2) Pushing Bicep curls


best exercises for brain health


These are full-body moves that target the upper portion of your spine from the top of your shoulders all the way to the tip of your butt and spine. This exercises are a great way to target your abs and lower back simultaneously as well as keep your spine active and healthy. These work like a resistance band; they give your chest and back a nice taut. 

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You’ll notice how hard I push back here by doing this particular moves but after a couple of minutes of doing so they become easy. Don’t squeeze yourself as hard as I did. The important thing for me during the process was to pull my breath in and then slowly release it to let off some steam. Also, when you exhale, move into another pose. If you’re able to, go back to bicep curls every other week (or even on an actual day).


3) Planks Tosses


Not only is this a great way to stretch out your back muscles and strengthen your hamstrings and calves, but it’s a great way to give your core a nice good squeeze for added stability. A very effective way to build up your lower back and core strength; you want to avoid any chance of pulling back too much. To make things easier for those who find themselves struggling with balance, you can use plyometrics instead of the traditional ones, and switch to a “one-handed” grip like my boyfriend uses. 

Plus ,since we’ve all been forced to spend most days sitting, we all know it’s going to take a while before it becomes second nature! Just make sure you don’t strain yourself too much (or try and do too many moves at once). Try it for 30-40 repetitions, until you feel comfortable with it. That’s a pretty good amount of time.

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4) Hip Credential Presses

best exercises for brain health


A great way to burn fat around your waistline. You’ll work up your core muscles and it will also help to get your heart rate up a bit while helping to prevent abdominal obesity. Why not add some cardio to your workouts? With the right form, having your core toned is the hardest part, especially when working out in front of the TV, which is what we all do on a regular basis these days. Having those hard core muscle worked out and strong will definitely boost the general health of your whole body, and how you perform on the job. 

 You want to make sure you never use a dumbbell for this exercise (the weight is heavy enough to put into your hand and cause injury or death without the correct form). There are tons of different variations to choose from, like doing several, or jumping right into one. Make sure you start with small amounts of exercises for the first few weeks so you don’t break them as easily (or even worse, just because you’re still getting used to them!). After about two weeks, progressively work harder and harder to get ready for the next sets. Not only will working that part of your anatomy like a treat, but your mind will too.


5) Plank V


Planking (also known as Pilate or Halit/Hip Workout) is another amazing training for your lower body and specifically your shoulder and spine. Since you work through your core muscles to a point where you can barely move your eyes, you’re not moving at all, so your focus is solely on the movement you’re trying to master. This specific plank exercise works a lot of areas in and around your shoulder and spine (especially your hips and back), and also encourages your spine to flex and tighten, giving your spine some needed flexibility. 

However, it’s hard enough to focus and maintain concentration on, but when done properly, your results are always spectacular. If you’re the kind of person who has trouble staying consistent in one set, then try incorporating multiple sets of this in your routines.

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6) Full Body Forward Grip Dumbbell Bench press

best exercises for brain health


As one of the main basic exercises for anyone looking for something easy to do, the dumbbell bench press not only does the major exercises you need to achieve a strong core, but also targets your arms. The forward grip allows you to lock out the weight on the ground with your fingers and also improves circulation, which makes sure you’re exercising your entire abdominal and upper body. This way, you’ll work your whole body, not just your butt and back (which are absolutely essential for your overall health!).

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7) Cross trainer Dumbbell Flyer


If you’re thinking of doing more than just strengthening your core but are also trying to keep your abdominal and back muscles strong, then this is a great exercise. You definitely want to work the core of your body, but when you include a flyer or two to your routine you help improve a wide range of muscles under your skin. By having this done regularly you can give your mid section a little shake up and get new definition to it. You’ll also get to work all your back muscles as you work your shoulders.


8) Glute Bridge


This move works all your glutes and you can do this anywhere. What’s really cool though is that it doesn’t require you to do anything weird like standing on an uneven surface, getting on your knees or whatever. Instead of a large dumbbell with lots of bells attached to it, you simply grab a pair of light cordless or cable-free weights and place them above your knees. Start with doing one leg by holding a handle with a light object underneath it and then slowly work it up to the butt – not too tight and not so loose. Then slowly work the other leg by holding one end of a footplate behind you and then bringing it closer together with the other shoe on the outside of your heel.

 Continue on with each repetition by pushing with a slight bend in your knees and then letting it go so you can get that big knee bend and push the opposing side of your calf out against the floor. As long as you can get into this perfect spot, you’ll love it and you’ll be amazed at the results.

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If you prefer hanging (as me I say I do because it means I’m not touching my bag, it’s easy to pick up, it’s quick to do and everyone should do it eventually even if it’s not recommended for you) then the lunge is your friend. I love it even if it looks super complex, and I’ve actually done it at least four times in less then one minute. Now, I won’t lie there and tell you that if you were to do the same number of reps as me you could complete all of these moves right away (just try it and see what happens!).

 But the key is that your legs are balanced, hip width is kept high and your center of gravity is very low. So if you aren’t able to hang or sit on something to move into lunge stance then that’s okay, just try to imagine yourself standing straight with your legs parallel to each other, and remember how hard you’ll fall only if your knees bend backwards.


10) Single Leg Deadlifts


You might think that you can squat with your arms locked out a little better than you do with your arms spread out wide – although if you are a bigger person (like mine), your technique will be different than someone who isn’t. You can definitely progress by adding rows of exercises where you want to. My rule is that you can try as many rows as you want so long as you finish the program with only as many reps as you can manage.

 When it comes to deadlifts, that’s all you have to do! No matter what variation you decide to run it with or whether it's something completely different. This is the perfect way to build in your strength and give yourself a little bit more bang. You don’t want your body to look bulky, and you certainly don’t want to look bulky (not you look awesome in this outfit). Just as important as building muscles inside of them, you should also focus on getting your legs stronger and your core stronger to protect you as well and not leave your body vulnerable to injuries. Don’t forget about rest.


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