how to increase hair volume - helpinggiver


how to increase hair volume

If you are looking for other ways  how to increase hair volume in your own home or office, then this is the place for all of you. Here we will talk about how you can increase hair. Also Read – How much time do I need to exercise? A guide for busy people, no tricks or solutions.


how to increase hair volume


1. Use natural ingredients in shampoo and conditioner.


We all know that applying too many chemicals to our hair and scalp, not only does it not work but it also might be harmful. Therefore, use the right amount of oils for your hair. It’s important to have a good moisturizer in order to keep your hair healthy and hydrated at all times.

So put few drops of olive oil and lemon juice into some shampoos or conditioners and add them to those in the fridge to make them last longer. This would help them stay more fresh throughout the day! You can even apply oil directly onto your skin with the same products. Just rub it in and let it absorb into every nape on your scalp letting your hair to fully nourish itself.

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2. Apply heat to achieve silky texture.


We often see women wearing their tresses loose and having hair in different angles. They end up looking like they are out of salon. So what can you do to avoid losing your hair and giving yourself an old look, one way is by applying heat. Heat will strengthen your strands which makes them appear smoother and softer. So, using this step, you can stop making your hair too tight and give it a little more airy texture.

So next time you feel like you want to blow your hair you can start by heating your tresses up in the microwave for 30 seconds till your desired look. Then take it off from the glass hood and let your tresses cool down before applying any style product. The result is beautiful. Don’t believe us because we assure you that this works within two days! Your hair will look a lot smoother, silky, soft and thick.


3. Exfoliate regularly.


To improve your appearance and maintain its natural color and shine, there needs to be a better understanding of our pores. And if you tend not to remove dead cells regularly, then what happens is that dirt can build up and the excess ends of hairs won’t get rid of this impurities. Thus making your long hair dull and coarse.

Use an exfoliating brush, which is available on the market. Cleanse the tips of this brush and bring them into your hands. After that, grab a towel to wash your hair gently and gently. Be careful while doing so as the bristles of the brush could easily irritate your skin if not used properly. However, this process could actually be quite hard since it involves pulling the very top layer away to expose your roots.

Wash your hair each morning after removing the brush. Take a shower at night before going to sleep to prevent the hair from accumulating on your scalp. Then again repeat the procedure till everything gets cleaned. You can always go to online sources for such purposes. These tools should help you get to an easy spotless and shiny tresses so you can enjoy your beauty without worrying about your looks.

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4. Get enough sleep.


There are certain factors that cause you to lose hair such as stress, poor nutrition, being overweight because of insufficient or excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods etc. Now it doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself. But make sure to get ample sleep. Not just by eating but also by sleeping well. Ensure that you get seven hours of deep uninterrupted slumber since lack of some amount of REM sleep may affect your overall health. During REM sleep as well, your body releases cortisol through adrenal glands and helps you relax during this period of time. For this reason, it’s recommended that you get at least 8-9 hours of sleep during week so that your hormone levels are in a balanced state.

5. Maintain hygiene routine.


If you wake up early without washing your hair well then your hair will turn dirty. When it comes to taking care and maintaining hygiene then it is the easiest thing to forget. Make sure to check with your doctor regularly and ensure to follow his instructions. Some of the hygiene routines include cleansing face properly, using a gel for conditioning and taking a shower during this time. Do try to keep your head clean and free of hair fall after brushing and combing. Wash your nails daily to boost hygiene and get rid of bacteria and mold. Try to maintain a proper hygiene routine throughout the whole year to keep yourself feeling and looking young and attractive.

6. Stop bad hairstyles and hair types.


If you want a perfect looking hair then don’t go crazy over something else. Instead, pick the right hairstyle. So when it comes to choosing a new hairstyle, please think twice as you never know what kind of person you are, and then make a list of things that you love most about your hair. As for me, you must consider keeping your hair braided, short and straight or medium length in a ponytail. Of course, you must keep in mind that you must avoid adding anything on the bottom of your hair which might break the bond. Remember to wear appropriate gloves to avoid any damage, cuts or damage to your hair.

7. Keep in mind what kind of shampoo do you use.


You should always remember to use the correct quantity of oil and water in order to control hair loss and promote hair growth. Also read – How many minutes you workout? 7 healthy workouts for men – No side effects, weight loss, no gain.


8. Treat yourself well.


We often see that people who treat themselves well on a regular basis and go for these beauty treatments go for higher self-esteem. Such people go for the best hair treatment with expensive bundles. Yes, there are some treatments and treatments, which are highly expensive but it will definitely solve your problems on the surface. You don’t have to spend big bucks to buy nice hair products, so choose wisely and only pay for what you need. Buy nice quality hair spray instead of buying cheap quality stuff to deal with the issues of hair loss.

9. Don’t smoke.


How often do we hear the terms “hypertension” and “obesity”? We hear about them because these are serious conditions and you need to take precautions in order to stay safe in your everyday life. As far as these can be prevented, it is advised that you don’t smoke. Smoking causes more harm than good to your skin. If your brain is affected, you are less likely to focus and work effectively. Besides, smoking has been linked with other problems such as heart diseases, cancer and blood pressure. So for this reason, you need to quit smoking. Even though this advice is taken by experts, it remains effective throughout your entire lifetime so don’t give in and just start trying it for yourselves.

10. Exercise regularly.


You can boost your energy and reduce fatigue by exercising during the day. Exercise will help to keep your hormones in balance because this will help you relax. Moreover, exercising will also fight against fat breakdown in your body. So what are you waiting for? Start working out at first light, gradually you can move towards vigorous activity. Your body requires some energy in order to function smoothly. So, it is always advised that you start exercising by simply walking or running for a set period!.

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There are lots of reasons why our hair was damaged due to various reasons; they just need professional medical attention. If you are suffering from any one of these reasons, we have talked about them below. To get a professional medical diagnosis, call a skilled dermatologist in Delhi. Our expert doctors are able to treat hair loss and baldness. So make sure to consult them about your problem and see the options available to you.


Thanks for reading


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